The first children’s book that I’ve illustrated is complete and will be available this month, published by Reformation Heritage Books (  The book is about John Owen, a British theologian from the 17th century, written by Simonetta Carr.  It’s her third book in a series on Christian theologians; certainly not the typical subject for children’s books, and I’m glad to be working on it, as it provides me the opportunity to work on pieces from both a classical and an illustrative perspective.

Simonetta Carr and her work can be reached at

Here is a short video of the book:

The next book is about Athanasius who lived in the 2nd century, in Egypt.  I’m looking forward to the scenery of this piece.

I’ve also just sent out 100 limited edition prints of an illustration of the Asylum Street Spankers.  This piece is a detail to a larger illustration I made for a book of my own.  I never completed the book, in fact, I hardly started it.  I only painted one illustration for it and determined that the whole idea was too complicated to sum up in a children’s book.  Not that I underestimate children.  I have two boys of my own, and I am often in awe of how marvelously capable they are.  It is just that this story is better told at bedside than in written word, for now, until I improve at the art of writing.

The Spankers were not a part of the story.  I put them in as extras, or cameos, to be in the background of a busy scene.  Zorba, to whom I told this evolving story (many, many times), loved the recently released kids album from the Spankers, as did I.  The album played every day for a few months.  And besides, I couldn’t think of any band I’d like more to have in the background of a pirate ship party, or any party.

So, the illustrations will be in possession of what remains of the Asylum Street Spankers, and will accompany them on their “farewell tour”.  These prints will also be available through their website:

It was my first Giclee print.  A Giclee print is basically a print with fade-resistant, archival ink.  I opted for no border on these, at the suggestion of the printer (a choice I hope is in the favor of 100 fans), so they are better for framing.

limited edition print of 100

limited edition print of 100 – Asylum Street Spankers

This band will be dearly missed by many more than just me.  They have been my favorite band for the last 10 years.

I am also currently working on my own children’s book, but it is in the embryonic stage of creation, so hopefully there will be more to that in the future.

In addition to all this illustration work, I am still painting and will post on the progress of this soon, once I have photos ready to accompany.

I wonder if anyone reads this.  I certainly get a lot of comments about Acai berries and ways to earn $500 a day.