How to Paint a Portrait Fast

Painting A Face Quickly for Illustration Work Face Painted in Profile for a book by Simonetta Carr about John Knox. In this quick tutorial, I speed up the process from 25 minutes to about 10 minutes showing the steps I take to quickly paint a side-view portrait. Simonetta Carr writes books on Christian biographies.  This [...]

How to Paint a Portrait Fast2014-01-29T13:29:46-07:00

Non-Starving Artist Solutions

Passive Income For Artists (Part 1) As a professional artist, you know how money comes in waves, and sometimes very small infrequent waves.  Illustrations, portraits, murals or any other form of commission may keep you in the financial clear, but it can take up so much of your time, you struggle to create your own [...]

Non-Starving Artist Solutions2014-01-29T13:29:52-07:00
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